Kindred Spirit Investigations £10 Gift Voucher


£10 Gift Voucher

4 in stock
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Birthday? Special Occasion? Anniversary? Christmas?

Click book now to book £10 gift voucher. Vouchers are valid for one year although with Covid extensions will be applied accordingly. (Each voucher will be given a year plus any additional time investigations have not been taking place due to Lockdown / Government restrictions).

Terms and Conditions

Before booking please read our terms and conditions as you will be bound to these upon booking. Please note that Kindred Spirit Investigations will not take any responsibility to personal injury before, during or after the investigation and persons booking and attending do so entirely at their own risk. Please check out Terms and Conditions.

Vouchers are only to be purchased for those over 18 years old. None refundable for cash. Can be purchased as past or full payment of any Kindred Spirit Investigations event.

Vouchers will be sent in first class post the next working day.

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